The Subconscious Influence


As a society our view of freedom is very skewed.  We want freedom to mean no one gets to tell me what to do or I do as I please but in actuality freedom simply means we have a choice.  We are free to make choices that shape our world daily.  Even with all this “freedom” we still feel trapped.  That is because our choices in freedom are usually attached to the expectations of “society”, our family, or our closest friends.  Our freedom is shackled from our ankles to the ankles of those we desire to spend time with.  We desire the freedom to be like others.  That lifestyle plays right into the entertainment industry.  We adapt our dress from the era, our vernacular, and our views.

As technology and “times” advance, the provocations are less than subtle as they once were.  There are hints of sex, sexuality, and other forms of vulgarity laced in music, television, and even cartoons.  Even shows deemed as “family shows” are sketchy.  Cartoons are created with messages that go over children’s heads gearing towards the intellect of adults.  My question is why is such humor needed in a show that is geared towards children.

I truly believe that even these hints of ideas plant seeds into our children.  As a selective parent I often feel stifled because there are limited newly introduced “kid” movies that I can safely allow my kids to see.  Even Disney movies have to be closely monitored these days.  Over the past year there have only been approximately 2 movies I have felt comfortable taking my children to see at the movies.  Even so when those shows are turned into series I sometimes have to restrict their view of them as well.

So often we deem TV and music as just entertainment; a skewed illusion.  However, both create a “moment”.   A moment is all it takes to arouse an emotion in our fleshly human nature.  A certain feel of the sun can evoke a moment/sensation/arousal that stirs up an urge in me to want to go shopping.  A moment in time, a thought, a memory can evoke in me the desire to go to a specific time in my past. A smell, a look, a “hurt”.   We are people of feelings and emotions and entertainment is meant to evoke a certain feeling or emotion. Often times we are unaware of our vulnerabilities that are stroked by these very instances of entertainment.

Our desire to be loved and belong lends quickly to conformation.  Our human nature is so inept to the core of our need for acceptance that we do not even notice the impressions these forms of art play into our lives.  We want so deeply to believe that we can control the influences the outside world has on us.  We want to believe we are stronger than the seeds that are planted in our minds.  But how can a plant grow into anything other than the seed that is nurtured in it’s roots? How can we grow into anything other than the “ideas” we feed ourselves on a daily basis.  If our bodies produce an outward appearance based on the food we eat, we can conclude that the same is true of our character.  It can only produce outward behaviors based on the elements (books, tv, music) we use to nurture it as well.

So while we are free to choose what we feed into our psych, we don’t necessarily get to choose how much influence that particular medium will hold on our thoughts.

Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

The Heart

Can the heart know joy without holes

Can it recognize happiness without loss

Daily my heart is punctured by unmet expectations

Is that my doing or that of another

By having expectations am I setting my heart up

Or maybe expectations is the wrong description

Either way how do I take responsibility for the punctures

The holes are mine to fill or jump over

The punctures are mine to patch up and care for

The loss is mine to remember possession of

Puncture is mine to accept, reject, or repair

Anxious Worry

Posted on May 2, 2017 by hopeandanchorsite under Uncategorized

This morning while out running, I found myself wondering if my husband had taken the baby out her bed or let her work through her discomfort of falling asleep.  Mid thought the Lord spoke to me: worrying about what you cannot control or even change at the moment is distracting you from your goal. You keep slowing down and giving in delaying your progress because your mind is occupied. Stay focused on the task at hand. Do the rest later: at its appointed time. Amen.

Sorry to say, this is the story of my life. When I’m here I’m thinking about what needs to be done there. Working out a schedule of what, when, and how everything else needs to be done. My focus is much like the overfill in my car….scattered. I literally think myself tired. I’m so busy thinking about the next move, in the middle of what I’m doing, that when I get to a place of rest I’m exhausted. There’s a saying we’ve all heard….there’s a time and place for everything. And I really believe that’s true. Thinking about what was going on at home as I ran took me away from focusing on my breathing. It took me away from focusing on my form. It took me away from focusing on my stride and my goal at that moment. Wondering about what was happening at home when I wasn’t there was pointless and literally got me nowhere in regards to those thoughts. It only got me off track and behind on the task at hand.
We may want to dismiss these thoughts as minimal, with thoughts like its only exercise or you’re not an Olympic runner what does it matter. Well the mind is tricky like that. It’s not just when the mind is idle that it worries or wanders. The mind can be busy and occupied and still meander; leaving to other important tasks idle and undone.  It takes away from the enjoyment and productivity of the task at hand.

The bible instructs us not to worry about what we shall eat or for anything of tomorrow for that matter, for the Lord knows everything that we need.  If he knows all my needs, wouldn’t it be safe to say he knows the needs of my husband and daughter as well.  Do I trust Him to work all things out for our good?

As wives we want our homes to run smoothly; however, it’s difficult for the home to run smooth if we need our hand in every decision and every situation.  It’ll be pretty difficult for things to run smooth if we are ran down with exhaustion.  There’s no need to demand a need for rest if when we are away we focus on what’s going on at home rather than rest and relaxation.

When we fail to trust our husband to fulfill his role as husband and father, we are really failing to trust God who holds everything in His hands.  Our actions are saying, Lord you are not capable of making sure the home runs smoothly when I am away.  They are giving the impression that we are in fact the ones that are in control of our own lives and the lives of our family.  When we put trust into action in our home, we send the idea that God is in control and we begin to leave room for our family members to grow in all the areas we pray for them in.  Step out on faith today by entrusting your life and family with Him.

Matthew 6:31-32

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

If you struggle with undue stress, depression or anxiety contact us today:
